Patient's testimonials at Life Force

Manuel Diaz Rojas, Colombia

Estimado Dr. Rajesh según cuentas de las pastillas todavia hasta la fecha estoy consumiendo, aun no he terminado el tratamiento, aunque son relativamente pocas (no he contado cuantas faltan) Sin embargo le manifiesto que estoy totalmente sorprendido con este tratamiento, le doy gracias a Dios por su vida por ser instrumento de sanidad. Debo pronto enviarle las fotos actuales de la sanidad de esta enfermedad, mis familiares, amigos y otras personas estan muy imrpresionados con la restauracion. Creo que para la proxima semana estoy enviando las fotos de mi sanidad. Tengo muchas dudas hasta ahora me comunico no lo puedo hacer en Ingles porque es muy poor , sin embargo espero lea esto. Tengo miles de preguntas que se las hare poco a poco, durante estos meses no lo pude hacer esperando ver el resultado y fue sorprendente. Dr. cuenteme que tiene esas pildoras, lo que pasa es que necesito la información en español por favor. Como le die le enviare todo el resumen y las fotos como un informe de mi evolución. Una pregunta: En verdad necesito seguir con otra dosis de tratamiento, sabiendo que realmente ya desaparecieron las manchas? Dos: Que posibilidad o porcentaje esta comprobado por Ud. que vuelva a aparecer? y en que condiciones? Creo que pueden existir muchas personas con enfermedades que Ud. puede ayudar pero el problema es que no lo conocen mucho, yo les hable a qui a muchas personas y en verdad no lo conocen y como Ud. sabe el INGLES no todos lo dominamos. Dr. Miles de gracias , estaremos en comunicación, por favor le agradeceria me escribiera en idioma español. Thanks you Manuel Diaz Rojas

P. A., Arizona, USA

The oral lichen planus is improving. I feel my mouth is getting better. I know this medicine will cure my lichen planus.

P. P., USA

There is about 70% improvement in existing rashes and new rashes development. 40-50% improvement is observed in skin color; there is reduction in hyper pigmentation also!!

Pankaj Pathak, USA

Lichen Planus attacked my entire body in Nov/ Dec 2007. Doctors in USA did many tests including skin cancer diagnosis. Fortunately I found Dr. Shah’s site while researching on my L.P. I contacted Life Force team online; with them I shared my Lichen Planus photos and sent the questionnaire reply. I received the medicines within 15 days. USA doctors prescribed very heavy dose of prednisone 60mg. (Steroid). This steroid caused many side effects like bode swelling, weight gain, blurred vision and increased level of cholesterol. As per Dr. Shah’s suggestion I stopped steroid. And now after 1 year of Dr. Shah’s medicines my Lichen Planus is 99% gone only hyperpigmentation is there. Dr. Shah came to my life as Dhanwantari (God of medicines) and helped me and my family come out of the worst times of my life!!! Thank you Life Force team!!!

P. S., India

80% lichen planus is cured. Now only very light spots are present all over the body. She is responding very well to your medicines. Slow and consistent improvement is been noticed. We are very happy with the treatment.

P. R. B., USA

I am doing very well with my Lichen planus. I continue to improve over time and can now at least brush my teeth without constant pain and agony. Also I have less and less flare ups and the intensity have reduced. I think there may be about 70% better since I started your medicine. It’s given me my life back. So, thank you very much Dr Shah for your help.

R. M., UK

There is improvement and thankfully the Lichen Planus appears to have stopped spreading. I have seen a fair amount of improvement with the medication I have taken so far. I have had no new white spots and the lesions inside my cheeks have almost gone, leaving brown patches there. I do still have some lesions on my gums which seem to be slowly disappearing. There has also been an improvement to the re-curing ulcers I was getting on my gums. This is simply great! Thanks to Dr Shah.

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Phone: +91-22-67978289
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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.