Vitiligo spot on lip gains complete repigmentation with homeopathy in young patient...

A 19 years old young boy (L-11105) came to the clinic to seek treatment for vitiligo.

He had one spot near his upper lip on the left side since 3 months. It was approximately 1 cm in diameter.

He was using Placentrex gel and Tacrotopic ointment (0.03%) as local application along with Tablet Pigmento and Tab Zyrtec for around 2 months without any relief. He wanted to stop it and begin with homeopathy.

He was an engineering student staying in hostel since 3 years. Extrovert personality, with very sharp memory. He was quite confident. Short tempered by nature. His hobbies were to play cricket, football, reading comics, music etc. He had average thirst and appetite with craving for sweets and profuse sweating all over body.

There was a history of psoriasis for 2 yrs and had operated for gyneacomastia 5 years back. He had strong family history of psoriasis and diabetes mellitus.

After studying his case in detail Dr. Shah prescribed him Carcinosin 200 and certain research remedies for leucoderma.

Within 6 weeks we could notice certain pinkish coloration in the spot. In 4 months there were tiny littlte spots of normal coloration merging with the spots. The spot was reducing in size. About 50% of repigmentation was attained within 6 months of treatment. At the end of the year his spot showed complete repigmentation. We could not differentiate it from normal skin.

This is best example that Homeopathy acts well even in muco-cutaneous junctions with excellent and effective results.

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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.