This is a case of Master R.N. aged 16 years who was suffering from Lichen Planus for the past 6 months. He reported to the clinic on September 3, 2005, with papular eruptions with hyperpigmentation. These eruptions had first appeared on his right knee and then it was spreading further to other parts as well.
He had marked pruritis and he used to keep getting new eruptions for the past 6 months. The pruritis used to increase when he used to come in contact with warm water. These eruptions were spreading gradually, whereas on the other hand there were some old eruptions that were getting healed and leaving behind hyperpigmented marks.

He was now using Dipsalic ointment as a local application. He was under some form of homeopathic treatment for the past 6 months.
Associated with his skin complaints, he used to complain of repetitive sneezing episodes with watering from the nose for the past 6 months. These complaints were worse immediately after he was awake. Whenever he was exposed to dust or every night just before sleeping the bouts used to be more severe intensity than what they used to be during the daytime.
Personal history:
He used to crave sweets a lot. However, he disliked sour food items. He had profuse perspiration, especially on his back. He could not tolerate the hot climate and used to feel very uncomfortable.
His sleep was sound and he used to get many dreams of ghosts and falling from a height.
Family background: He used to live with his father (aged 45, working as a technical officer in the central government office), Mother (aged 37 years who was a homemaker), and also had a younger sister who was 9 years old and was studying in the fourth class.
Mind: He was very tense and anxious about his studies. He used to get very nervous before his exams. He was very slow in all the activities. He had fear of the dark. He was timid by nature and very lazy.
Family History: His paternal grandfather had diabetes, hypertension as well as eczema.
Prescription details: Based on the case details he was prescribed the homeopathic remedy Tuberculinum in the 1M potency. He was then called after a month.
Follow up details:
Initially, after a month when he did come up, there was no change in the eruptions. Even the itching that he used to complain about remained the same. He also had a few new eruptions during the course of this 1-month treatment on his abdomen as well as hips. The sneezing that he used to get was reducing and even the running nose had come down to a certain extent.
He was made to continue on the same line of treatment and called his father another 2 weeks. So all after a period of 6 weeks after starting the treatment, the Lichen Planus eruptions on his knees, feet, upper limbs were commencing to heal. However, the eruptions in the other areas were still the same. By now the sneezing, as well as the discharge from the nose, had decreased dramatically.
He has by now even tapered the application of Dipsalic ointment. There were necessary changes made in the line of treatment from time to time as far as the dosage and the repetition of the medicines are concerned.
During the course of the treatment, he continued to get new eruptions but the number went on reducing slowly and gradually with time. His weight had also increased by 1 kg.
After the completion of almost a year's treatment for LP, there have been some eruptions over his knees which have completely gone away. Also, the eruptions that were there on his right hand are no longer visible.
He is still advised to continue treatment in order to see positive results in the remaining eruptions as well.
The patient's parents were so happy to see the results. They claimed that this disease could not be diagnosed accurately by most doctors that they went to, and every other conventional doctor remarked that there is no cure for this skin ailment and their son might have to live with it for the rest of his life. Thanks to the healing of Homoeopathy.