Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D. (Hom.) practices in Mumbai, India. He has studied homeopathy intensively for over thirty years, since 1980. Dr. Rajesh is an internationally acclaimed physician, researcher, and teacher. Over the years he has conducted seminars and workshops for practitioners and students in England, Holland, Belgium, Czech Rep., Greece, Sweden, the U.S.A., Ireland, Croatia, Norway, Japan, India, etc.
Dr. Shah has the uncommon strength of having a research base in his clinical environment. He has worked on many new therapeutic molecules; some of them have been granted patents while some of them are international patents pending. He is a hardcore researcher + clinician + teacher + promoter of homeopathy.
Dr. Shah presents a modern and scientific face of homeopathy. His huge practice supported by clinical research-based data, statistics, and scientific documentation, makes it unique in the homeopathic world. He not only presents the 'new face' of modern homeopathy; but is also responsible for the 'new phase' in homeopathy. His global clinic in Mumbai is visited by patients from all over the world.

Dr. Shah has the distinction of having treated eminent patients from various faculties such as scientists, medical doctors, researchers, diplomats, royal families, ministers, film celebrities, professors, and high-profile government officers, etc. from many countries. At the same time, he is easily accessible to all patients.
He is the director of Homoeopathy India Pvt Ltd, former editor of Homoeopathy Times, and author of My Experiences with Ferrum Metallicum and Lichen Planus and its Homeopathic Treatment (2003), Urticaria and it's Homeopathic Treatment (2008), Vitiligo Treatment (2013), and Phenomena and Facets: A New Approach to Homeopathic Prescribing (2018). He was an honorary visiting lecturer and physician at CMPH Medical College and Hospital, under Bombay University. He had been interviewed on several occasions over the television in Bombay, London, New York, etc. He has contributed many scientific papers on homeopathy, published in various international journals. He has introduced new concepts in the field of homeopathy useful to medical professionals. He is largely engaged in research exploring the role of homeopathy in the treatment of difficult diseases. Dr. Rajesh has been featured in the Limca Book of Records for treating patients from 177 countries, as of July 2011.
In January 2009, Dr. Rajesh Shah was conferred upon with the "Star Entrepreneur Award" for "Making Innovation Work in Today's Times" by the Indira International Innovation Summit, under the care of the Indira Group of Engineering and Management colleges.
On 29th Sep, 09 Dr. Rajesh Shah was conferred with Bhartiya Chikitsak Ratna Award by the Center for Educational Development Research, Pune for National Economic Growth through Individual Contribution. Click here to view the certificate.
Currently, Dr. Shah is involved in several research projects, some of which include clinical trials on HIV, Hepatitis C, Psoriasis, Vitiligo, homeopathic pathogenetic trials, etc. His prime interest is Basic research on ultra-dilutions.
Dr. Shah couple has traveled a journey of 33 years (2018).
Some glimpses may be had by clicking the photo gallery.

Dr. Rajesh Shah is the Secretary of the Global Homeopathy Foundation.
Dr. Shah is a regular speaker at many international and national conferences in many countries.
He was awarded a prestigious National Award by the hands of the Vice-President of India on 10th April 2018, from CCRH, under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India, for his research work on developing Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Nosode.
Dr. Rajesh Shah is a member of the following special committees constituted by the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy (CCRH- under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India.
1. Executive Committee
2. Special Committee for Drug Standardization
3. Special Committee for Human Pathogenetic Trial (Drug Proving)
Dr. Rupal Shah, M.D. (Hom.) is a dynamic homeopath, graduated from CMPH Medical College. She is involved in active global practice. Dr. Rupal and Dr. Rajesh form a dedicated team that has ventured into visualizing and implementing global homeopathy projects. They are devoted to homeopathy in the areas of education, practice, promotion, and research. They have been working on several research projects. They are working with a sole aim to bring homeopathy close to mainstream medicine. Dr. Rupal and Dr. Rajesh have contributed a chapter on homeopathy for the HSC textbook in Australia. Dr. Shah couple has been working hard to make homeopathy globally available.
Dr. Rupal is a companion with Rajesh, in the lifelong journey of bringing the best of homeopathy to humanity. Her hard work, professional commitment, sincerity, and dedication arise from sheer desire to help patients; which in turn, arise from the spiritual bend applied in life.

- "Effect of Orally Administered Potentized Capsaicin and Dihydrocapsaicin in Humans: A Homeopathic Pathogenetic Trial", by Rajesh Shah, MD, published in Forschende Komplementärmedizin / Research in Complementary Medicine, Germany, June 2014. Link: https://www.karger.com/Journal/Issue/261932
- "Potentized, oral preparation of capsaicin alkaloids and magnesium phosphoricum in the treatment of chronic pain: A clinical trial" by Rajesh Shah, MD, published in American journal "JOURNAL OF PAIN MANAGEMENT", Nova Publishers, NY, USA, Volume 7, Number 1, 2014 Link: https://www.novapublishers.com/catalog/product_info.php?products_id=48676
- 'Hepatitis C Nosode: The preparation and homeopathic pathogenetic trial' in Homeopathy; Vol. 102, (3), pp 207-214: July 2013.
- 'Hydroquinone: Homoeopathy pathogenetic trial' in Indian Journal of Research in Homoeopathy; Vol. 7 (2): Apr-Jun 2013.
- 'What homeopathy is not', in Homeopathy Links, Sept 2011. https://www.askdrshah.com/app/images/what-homeopathy-in-not/What-Homeopathy-Is-Not_by_Dr-Rajesh-Shah_Page-2.jpg
- 'Challenge in the management of cases earlier treated with immuno-suppressive medicines' (Desafios colocados ao tratamento homeopático pelo uso anterior de medicação imunossupressora: Observações da prática clÃnica), Revista de Homeopatia, Brazil, Vol. 74, No 4 (2011) https://www.aph.org.br/revista/index.php/aph/article/view/220
- The Lancet article: Call for introspection and Awakening, Homoeopathic Links; 04, 2005
- 'The Phenomenological Approach and The Concept of Facets applied in Materia Medica" thesis by, Dr. Rajesh Shah, 2005
- 'Some Light on (Mis) Understanding of Aurum Metallicum' published in Simillimum - Journal of Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, USA. Vol.XI, No.4 Winter '98
- "Hardcore prescribing in Classical Homoeopathy" published in Simillimum - Journal of Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians, USA. Vol. XI, No.2 Summer '98
- "Managing Cases with Scanty Data" published in The Homoeopath, U.K., Autumn No.63, 1996
- "Risky innovations spring from the law of grand generalization" published in Simillimum, USA, Vol.IX, No.2, Summer 1996, USA
- On Pseudo-classical Homoeopathy. Editorial, Homoeopathy Times, 1995, II
- The Education Gap, Editorial, Homoeopathy Times, 1995, Vol I
- 'Cough: A Repertorial Study' published in Homoeopathy Times, Vol.1, No.3, 1994.
- 'Industrious: A Repertorial Journey' published in Homoeopathy Times, Vol.1, No.3, 1994
- 'Sympathy and Consolation' published in Homoeopathy Times, Vol.1, No.3, 1994
- 'Bufo - A wonderful respiratory remedy' published in Homoeopathic Links, 3/93, Germany
- 'Anantherum by Rajesh Shah & Bob Fordham' published in The Homoeopath, The Society of Homoeopaths, U.K., No.50, 1993
- '200 Years of Homoeopathy - Where Do We Stand?', by Dr Rajesh Shah, National Journal of Homoeopathy, India, 1993 Jan / Feb Vol II No 1
- 'Need of the time: Hard-Core Prescribing' published in The Homoeopath, The Society of Homoeopaths, U.K., Vol.No.61

- 'International Conference on Multidisciplinary Healthcare', January 2014, at All India Institutes of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, a paper on 'Hepatitis C clinical trial'
- National homeopathic conference, December 2012, by 'Homeopathic Medical Association of India' (HAMI), Kolkatta, a paper on 'HIV nosode and its homeopathic pathogenetic trial'
- International Homeopathic Conference', December 2011, by LIGA, at New Delhi, a paper 'Preparation of HIV and Hepatitis C Nosodes'
- 'Central Council of Research in Homeopathy', CCRH, regional conference, September 2013, Mumbai, 'Challenges in the treatment of Skin diseases'
- 'European Homeopathic Conference', May 2011, in Riga, Latvia, a paper on 'HIV nosodes: New method, new nosode'
- 'A day with Dr Rajesh Shah', a seminar in Cochin, Kerala, August 2013
- 'What should pediatricians know about homeopathy?', a talk to pediatricians at Jaslok Hospital, Mumbai, February 2014
- 'Patents in Homeopathy', at talk to CCRH researchers, September 2-013, New Delhi
- 'Homeopathy for Japan', two days seminar in Tokyo, April 2000
- 'Practice of Homeopathy', two days workshop for international homeopaths, at International Academy of Classical Homeopathy, Allonisos, Greece, 1998
- Seminars in the UK (Many seminars between 1990 to 2000)
- Many Seminars and workshops in the USA (New York, Pittsburg, Denver), Ireland, Belgium, Holland, Croatia, Czech Republic, Sweden, Norway, Japan, India (Between 1990 to 2000)