A 48 years old male patient Mr. T. M. S (PIN NO - 16657), visited our Borivali centre on 7th august 2011 with the complaints of Palmo - Plantar Psoriasis. He had been suffering with this since the last 6 months. The palms were more affected than the soles. There was itching, dryness and scaling. The itching would increase in the morning and after bath. The Psoriasis had precipitated after some financial stress. He had taken some conventional treatment in the initial period for 3 – 4 days.
He was a healthy person with no other health issues.

He was a vegetarian by choice: he had an average appetite. He had a liking for spicy food and sweets. He was a regular consumer of alcohol in the past, but had reduced it since the last 3 months. He would perspire more on the face and the forehead. There were no complaints with thirst, bowels and sleep. He was sensitive to heat and he was thermally a hot patient.
There was no significant family history. His paternal uncle had suffered from oral cancer.
Professionally he was a clearance and forwarding officer in an import – export firm. His wife was a housewife. He had a 17 years old son; he was a student.

He was a jolly and humorous man. He was accompanied by his wife. His wife described him as irritable, but forgetful by nature. He liked being with his friends more than at home as his wife would always nag him, regarding his alcoholism. She said that his friends encouraged him for drinking. He enjoyed going out for tours, with relatives. There was constant work stress as well.
His case was studied in detail by Dr. Shah and prescribed a constitutional drug along with some research based medicines.
In the first follow up after 6 weeks he reported 60% improvement. There were signs of healing in all the patches. The itching, cracks, scaling, and dryness had reduced.

In the next follow up after 3 months the patches were 90% better. There was no scaling. A little bit of dryness was present. All the cracks had healed. The palms and soles had totally healed. The skin was smooth. There were no signs of psoriasis. They were very happy with the outcome of the treatment. They have been advised to continue the treatment for some more time to prevent relapses.
Uploaded on 02nd Dec 2011 by Dr. Megha