Mr D.G.S. 50 years old male (Patient Identification Number 10417) visited life force center on 23rd February 2008 for the treatment of extensive Eczema.

He had eczema since 20 years but since 2 months lesions had spread almost all over the body. In past 20 years he had used cortisone based ointments from different doctors under different brand names. Every time he used to change the doctor he got same kind of treatment. At last he stopped all the treatment hence there was extensive spread all over the body.
His case details were noted. He did not had complete remissions in last 20 years despite of continuous treatment. He had tremendous itching and redness on the lesions. Plain watery discharge was noted on scratching.
His eczema started after exposure to some chemicals. He had a strong family history of eczema in mother and sister. Dr Shah prescribed him our research based medicines for 2 months.
At 2 months follow up he was happy to report that there was 40% reduction in itching and discharge which was the major cause of concern for the patient. On examination there was remarkable improvement in inflammation.
At 6 months follow up patient was extremely happy to report 80% improvement in itching and discharge. There was 50% improvement in lesions in terms of inflammation. The lesions had started healing.
At 8 months follow up itching and discharge had completely stopped. His lesions were better by 80%. He was advised to continue the treatment for complete recovery.
Patient did not report for the next follow up.
Patient reported after 6 months. He was completely better for 6 months. He went to celebrate holi which aggravated his condition and he came up with relapse. Dr Shah reviewed the case and prescribed the medicines.
After 4 months of treatment his eczema was completely treated. He was surprised to note clear skin. His medication was stopped.
The same patient revisited our center on 15th July 2013 for the treatment of his wife. Since 3 years his eczema has not relapsed.
Uploaded on 26 July 2013, by Dr. S.B.