A Phenomenal Recovery Of A Patient Of Gastritis, GERD, And Aphthous Ulcers With Homeopathy

A 32-year-old male patient, Mr. A.J. (PIN: 42409) visited Life Force and started Homoeopathic treatment for his complaints of GERD, gastritis, and aphthous ulcers in June of 2020.

Symptomatically, he presented with a burning in the stomach which used to get aggravated by eating spicy food. Also, he had recurrent mouth ulcers for 3-4 years. The ulcers inside the lips were more in number than that of the cheeks. He had an episode of GERD every 8 days off & on. His eructations, bloating, palpitations, difficult breathing, suffocation, and perspiration all used to ameliorate after vomiting. He also had sour, sticky waterbrash with no anxiety associated. His vomiting used to get aggravated in the morning & irritation in the throat with a dry cough would ameliorate after eating.


Physical Generals:

The patient had cravings for non-veg, spicy food, and milk. The patient had an average appetite.  He used to sleep on the right lateral side.


Psychological Make-Up and Medical History:

The patient was a businessman. By nature, the patient was an introvert. He was on conventional therapy which included antacids & tranquilizers. He had a history of hiatus hernia. No other major illnesses were recorded.


At Life Force:

After studying the case in detail, Dr. Shah prescribed some research-based Homoeopathic medicine along with some dietary tips to the patient. 

His report of upper GI endoscopy report dated 6th January 2020 showed that he has reflux gastritis with lax hiatal opening, antral gastritis, & duodenitis.

On his second follow-up on 19th March 2020, the relief from all his symptoms improved by 50% to 75 %.

On 5th July 2020, he was left with no complaints except for waterbrash at night. Ulcers in his mouth had disappeared by now. On 9th September 2020, he had suffered from only 1 episode of GERD 4 days back after eating spicy food. No other complaints were present.

On the 26th of November 2020, he reported 1 episode only twice in 2 months which showed that the frequency of episodes was much lesser now. Gradually, the occurrence of the episodes reduced and stopped.

On 8th June 2021, he experienced 2 moderately severe episodes of aphthous ulcers but had no other complaints.

And, finally, all his ulcers disappeared on the follow-up on 11th August 2021. He had no complaints at all.



This case highlights that homeopathy can treat multiple disease conditions effectively, gently, and safely. Homeopathy promotes recovery from gastritis, GERD, and aphthous ulcers without any side effects.

Written by Dr. Dipti Doshi, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah 


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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.