A 36-years-old professor in a renowned college of Mumbai (Patient identification number: 29019) visited Life Force on 18th June 2016 to get her hypothyroidism and eczema treated effectively. She was recently got diagnosed with hypothyroidism in a routine check-up. Her TSH levels were as high up to 31.370. On inquiring about her symptoms, she mentioned that she suffered from easy tiredness with fatigue. She also experienced palpitations and swelling of her feet after standing for a long time. Her hair had been dry, but there was no significant hair loss. Her menstrual cycles were regular, though the flow was scanty and would last for two to three days. She did not consult any thyroid specialist as she believed homeopathy was the best treatment to rid of her hypothyroid condition.

Additionally, she also complained of eczema since five years on thumb and the right foot. There were granular eruptions seen on examination, and they would ooze fluid after itching. The itching used to get aggravated after using detergent and soaps. After going through her medical reports, she was also found to be anemic. The hemoglobin was 10.2 gm/dl. She mentioned that the hemoglobin would always be on a lower side since her childhood, as she had erratic dietary patterns. But, this was the lowest reading ever she had till date.
Physical Generals
She followed a vegetarian diet. She had a low appetite. She had a habit of sucking the lead pencil, as she was in the teaching profession since many years. Her thirst was average, and thermally she was very sensitive to the cold weather.
Self And Family Set-Up
She had a 9-years-old son and a daughter, who was 7-years-old. She was working as a professor in a renowned engineering college of the city and her husband was working with Tata power. They lived in a nuclear family, and the patient would get along well with everyone.
Physical Make Up:
The patient was lean and had a pale look on her face.
On inquiring about her nature, she mentioned that she would get tensed easily. Also, she was short-tempered. She was not satisfied with her current job, and she had regrets as she could not pursue her dream job.
Past History:
The patient was prone to recurrent throat infections in the past.
Family History:
There was no major illness in the family other than her father being hypertensive.
After reviewing the patient’s case in detail, she was prescribed with Petroleum 200 for eczema and a few research based medicines for her hypothyroid state by the doctor. She was strictly advised dietary corrections, as following the right diet tips would help increase her immunity further and prevent from aggravating the conditions like underactive thyroid. She was also advised to check her iron, vitamin D3 and B12 levels to rule out any other possibility of deficiency. The patient was also prescribed with hematinic to combat anemia. Dietary recommendations were also given in order to support the treatment.
The patient visited the clinic for the first follow-up on 10th September 2016. She happily mentioned that she was symptomatically better. Her energy levels had improved and palpitations were reduced to 50%. After examining eczema, the eruptions were subsiding and the itching and redness were less. There were no new eruptions. She was advised to avoid the contact with detergents and wear gloves whenever she needs to wash utensils. Further medicines were prescribed for two months.
The patient called up to give her next feedback on 13th December 2016. She had emailed her thyroid reports along with Vitamin B12, D3, and Iron investigations. The TSH had reduced from 31 to 22. She was symptomatically better by 70%. There was no evidence of swelling on her feet now. The medical reports dated 26.11.2016 revealed as follows; TSH - 22.660 (HIGH), Vitamin B12 - 191 (LOW), Vitamin D3 - <4 (DEFICIENT) and Iron studies: 156.40 (Borderline low). She was prescribed with vitamin B12 and vitamin D3 supplements to keep no stone unturned in her treatment and to improve her immunity in all respects.
The next follow-up was given on 11th March 2017. The patient visited the clinic and mentioned that there was a 75% reduction in eczema. The eruptions were insignificantly visible, and itching was also occasional. She had also repeated thyroid profile, and the TSH values were further reduced to 8.678. There were no symptoms of underactive thyroid on inquiry. Dr. Shah prescribed medicines accordingly.
Later, patient gave her follow-up online on 30th May 2017. She wrote that she feels that she is completely recovered in regards to eczema and underactive thyroid. The affected areas of her skin were now completely normal, and no evidence of eczema is left. She was free from all symptoms of underactive thyroid, such as palpitations and tiredness. She was quite active throughout the day. She has couriered the same medicines for both her conditions since she was doing consistently well.
This case depicts two autoimmune diseases affecting the same patient and how homeopathy helped to curb the thyroid levels and treating eczema effectively in no time. This proves that early detection, prompt diagnosis, and immediate homeopathic treatment can give you great results quickly and effectively. Who says homeopathy is slow? When we treat such cases at Life Force, you may get completely recovered within just nine to ten months of treatment.
- Written by Dr. Kanchan, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah