A 12-year-old boy, Mast. B.M. (LFMPL PIN: 23666) was experiencing grey-brown raised, hyperpigmented lesions on the ankle and knees since December 2014. The dermatologist from Kuwait diagnosed it as some skin allergy and gave steroids. After using the steroids, the relief from the lesions got better to some extent, but he was not getting fully recovered. The parents were worried about his skin complaint, so they visited India to confirm his diagnosis. One of the dermatologists diagnosed it as psoriasis, however, the seniormost dermatologist from Mumbai diagnosed it as lichen planus. Despite using steroid ointment and anti-allergic medicines, his complaints were not under control. They opted for online treatment with Life Force in December 2015 and had a communication with Dr. Shah over a call before the prescription of medicines.
The patient had an average appetite. He preferred a vegetarian diet. There was a marked craving for sour and salty foods. He had a strong disliking for the meat and chicken.
He had not suffered from any major illness in the past. There was no major illness in his family.
His family consisted of his father, mother, and younger sister. His concentration was poor. He was impatient by nature and was a very restless child. His sleep too was restless, and he had horrifying negative dreams.
Dr. Shah studied his case in detail and prescribed his research-based molecules for lichen planus.
In the first four months of treatment, there was no change reported. His parents were counseled and asked to allow more time and his medicines were continued further with a few changes in the medicines.
His parents reported over the phone on 5th May 2016 that there was an overall 30% improvement in his condition. The lesions had started to turn dry and flattened, and the itching was also reduced by 25%. They didn't notice any new lesions nor any spread in the existing lesions.
Dr. Shah made certain changes in his medicines and they were continued further for the best results. In July 2016, he was almost 70% better, the eruptions had flattened and dried with no recurrence of any new lesions. The itching had reduced to 70%.
In March 2017, he recovered from the lichen planus was almost 80% better and the eruptions on his feet dried up. Just the roughness and pigmentation were left.
In May 2017, there was a little flare-up in his condition, but the intensity and severity were not as severe as before.
In July 2017, his relief from the lichen planus was almost 90% better. His eruptions had settled down and his affected skin turned to the normal skin color. No new eruptions had appeared. All his lesions of Lichen Planus had regressed.
His marks were fading. His skin felt normal on touching, though the pigmentation and scar were still there. With 12-14 months of regular homeopathic treatment, his recovery from lichen planus was better by 90%. He continued medicines for a complete recovery.
This case study highlights that steroid-resistant cases of lichen planus respond well to homeopathic medicines and can be treated at a root level without any side-effects.
- Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah, M.D.