A 68-years-old lady (PIN: 35990) visited Life Force Homeopathy’s Kemp's corner branch on 3rd March 2018 to get treated for her Lichen Planus. She has started developing lesions of lichen planus on her both the legs, lower back, and buttocks from January 2018. There were multiple small rounds of lesions present on her affected body areas along with severe itching. She was treated with oral corticosteroids in the past with temporary relief in the complaint.
Besides this, she was suffering from Diabetes, Hypertension, and an Underactive thyroid. Her brother had suffered from Lichen planus, and her mother had a Thyroid disorder and Heart disease.
She was obese by stature. She was vegetarian by diet and preferred to eat spicy food. She enjoyed a sound sleep. Her bowel and bladder habits were normal.
Based on the details of her case history, Dr. Shah prescribed his research-based medicines to the patient.
On 4th April 2018 she visited us for feedback, and, in her first follow-up itself, she had experienced positive changes in her lesions. Her lesions had started to turn flat. There were no new lesions appearing. Her itching had turned tolerable. Overall, she was better at 30%.
On 9th June 2018, she was better by 50%. In subsequent follow-ups, a persistent improvement was observed in her condition.
On 22nd October 2018, she was better by 80%. All her active lesions of Lichen planus had dried, healed, and her relief from itching was completely better. Just the hyperpigmentation was left. It was counseled to the patient that the hyper-pigmentation is the more deep-seated condition and requires time to go. She was advised to continue with the treatment for further improvement.
The patient is continuing the treatment at Life Force for complete recovery.

Corticosteroids in any form (oral or local) may not a wise option for treating Lichen Planus. Corticosteroids are immunosuppressive measures which help dramatically initially, but, once the effect of corticosteroids is over, again a relapse of lesions can occur. This case highlights that homeopathic medicines have a very good scope in healing Lichen Planus. Homeopathy medicines act curatively and not just symptomatically and treat lichen planus effectively and safely without any side-effects.
Written by Dr. Mithila K, Associate doctor to Dr. Rajesh Shah