What is Anxiety?
Anxiety is a normal stress reaction that can be described as a feeling of alarm or worry. Many people get nervous or anxious when facing a problem or challenge at work, before going for a test, interview, or exam, or before making an important decision in life. A certain amount of anxiety is normal; it can be beneficial in some situations as it alerts us, prepares us, and allows us to avoid dangerous situations. Anxiety is nothing but anticipation of a future concern and is more associated with muscle tension, feelings of nervousness, and avoidance behavior.

Anxiety needs attention or treatment when it is out of proportion.
What is Anxiety Neurosis or Anxiety Disorders?
Anxiety disorders or anxiety neurosis is not just a normal feeling of nervousness or anxiousness; it is intense uncontrollable fear or anxiety due to the anticipation of a threatening event or situation. Patients often share that they are unable to control the intense feeling of worry or anxiety. This heightened anxiety interferes with the personal, professional, and social life of a person. In most patients, the intense feeling of anxiety, unreasonable worry, and restlessness is accompanied by some physical symptoms. Anxiety disorders have a significant negative impact on the quality of life of the sufferer.

Anxiety disorders are treatable. Most people with anxiety disorder live a normal productive life after proper management. Managing anxiety disorder needs a strategic combination of three aspects which include the involvement of the patient, the role of the counselor or doctor, and proper medicine.
Homeopathic Treatment For Anxiety Neurosis
Homeopathy is highly effective and recommended for treating different types of anxiety disorders. The prescription of homeopathic medicine for anxiety neurosis is based on the principle of individualization. At Life Force, during case-taking, the patient’s basic nature, mental state, symptoms of anxiety neurosis, stress coping mechanisms, childhood situations, family environment in childhood, family history, past medical history, and social, personal, and professional relationships are taken into consideration and a detailed analysis is done before prescribing the medicines. Hence, homeopathic medicines act at a deeper level and help to treat the disease from its root. Initially, if the patient is taking conventional treatment, he has to continue those medicines, as stopping them suddenly may cause withdrawal symptoms.

How Homeopathy Can Help In Anxiety Neurosis?
- Homeopathic medicines give relief to the patient in an anxious state. They reduce the frequency, duration, and intensity of panic attacks. Homeopathy improves the sense of well-being and sleep.
- Homeopathy is a completely safe treatment and it does not have any side effects.
- Homeopathic medicines are non-habit-forming and the use of homeopathic medicines does not lead to drug dependency.
- With the regular use of homeopathic medicines, gradually, the need for conventional medicine (anti-anxiety, antidepressant medicines, and sleeping pills) gets reduced. Over a period, one may be able to reduce the dose or stop the medicines under the guidance of an expert doctor.
- If homeopathic treatment is augmented with psychotherapy or counseling, the results are more promising.
Duration of treatment:
At Life Force, most of the patients taking treatment for Anxiety Neurosis experience improvement in the initial four to six weeks of the treatment. The total duration of treatment may vary from eight months to two years or longer depending on the following factors:
- The severity of the disease
- Duration i.e. when the patient is suffering from an anxiety disorder
- Other associated psychological diseases, depression, personality disorders, obsessive traits, etc.
- Current and Previous use of conventional medications, such as anti-anxiety, anti-depression medicines, etc. The level of drug dependency.
Commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines in anxiety neurosis
Some of the commonly prescribed homeopathic medicines for anxiety neurosis are Argentum Nitricum, Argentum Metallicum, Silica, Lycopodium clavatum, Thuja Occidentalis, Syphilinum, Natrum Muriaticum, Pulsatilla, Arsenicum Album, Gelsemium, etc.
Argentum nitricum: Argentum nitricum is often indicated for anxiety with apprehension, anticipatory anxiety before exams, interviews, public speaking, going to church, or any stressful event. This remedy is particularly useful for performance anxiety, feeling anxious experiencing stage fright before presentations or performances. It is indicated that individuals who have specific fears such as the phobia of heights, and narrow places, experience heightened anxiety when exposed to such situations.
Argentum Metallicum: Individuals who need Argentum metallicum are highly restless both physically and mentally, it becomes difficult for these individuals to sit in one place, and a constant need to move. They are impulsive and react suddenly without thinking of consequences. They tend to be in a hurry and haste always, feel rushed and pressured leading to nervousness and heightened anxiety. They do experience confusion and difficulty in concentrating due to anxiety.
Silicea: Silicea is best suited to individuals who have a deep-seated lack of self-confidence and are timid. They feel insecure which contributes to anxiety. They are worried a lot about making mistakes and disappointing others leading to heightened anxiety and self-doubt. They are unable to make the decisions has a fear of making wrong decisions, leading to indecisiveness and increased anxiety. Silicea individuals often possess perfectionist traits, demanding perfection from themselves in various aspects of their lives. As a result, they may experience anxiety and pressure when they feel unable to meet these demanding standards.
Lycopodium Clavatum: Anxiety in individuals requiring Lycopodium may be particularly pronounced before significant events and occasions. The primary indication for Lycopodium is a profound lack of self-confidence. They feel insecure and doubt their abilities contributing to anxiety. They do have a fear of failure, worry excessively about committing mistakes and being judged by others, and have self-doubt like Silica. It is the best remedy when anxiety is accompanied by digestive disturbances like bloating, gases, constipation, and indigestion. They do suffer from performance anxiety. They do need constant validation from others to relieve their anxiety.
Thuja Occidentalis: Thuja is indicated for individuals with a sensitive, introspective temperament who experience anxiety characterized by isolation, detachment, paranoia, fixation on past traumas, and specific fears or phobias. They do have a fear of being alone and a fear of being poisoned. They do suffer from identity issues and self-worth contributing to anxiety. The anxiety in Thuja is accompanied by physical symptoms like digestive or skin problems and headaches.
Syphillinum: It is indicated for individuals with deep-seated anxiety rooted in a sense of guilt, shame, unresolved trauma, and self-condemnation. They struggle to find purpose in their lives, contributing to their anxiety. They are hopeless, experience feelings of despair, and believe their suffering is insurmountable and there is no escape. They do suffer from fear of losing mental stability.
Natrum Muriaticum: Natrum muriaticum anxiety is linked with suppressed emotions, grief, and sadness. There is the experience of emotional trauma leading to difficulty in expressing their feelings leading to anxiety. They do have a fear of rejection or abandonment. They find it difficult to let go past hurts and keep on brooding on past events.
Pulsatilla: Pulsatilla is indicated for individuals who are sensitive, highly emotional, and who experience anxiety characterized by changeable moods, dependency on others, fear of abandonment, and a desire for sympathy and understanding. They may feel weepy, sad, or tearful one moment, and then cheerful or optimistic the next. This changeability can contribute to their anxiety and feelings of instability.
Arsenicum Album: Individuals who need an Arsenicum album have anxiety about health, fear of disease, fear of death, and fear of poverty. They are highly perfectionist, and fastidious striving for perfection in all aspects. They become highly anxious and stressed when they cannot meet their standards. They are restless and find it difficult to calm themselves and find peace.
Gelsemium: Gelsemium helps with anxiety when feeling weak, trembling, and scared before important events like exams or interviews, and anticipatory anxiety. It also helps with the fear of crowds and losing control.
What Happens In Anxiety Neurosis? (Pathogenesis)
Neurotransmitters (chemical messengers) in our brain are responsible for balancing and controlling different emotions. Some of the neurotransmitters play a different role in regulating anxiety. Dysregulation of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid, is responsible for an anxiety disorder or anxiety neurosis. Multiple factors can lead to dysfunction of neurotransmitters and brain receptors.
Prevalence Of Anxiety Neurosis
Anxiety neurosis or anxiety disorders are some of the most common mental disorders. According to a recent study by the World Health Organization (published in ICD 10- International Classification of Disease), one in 68 people i.e. around 1.45% of people worldwide suffers from different types of Anxiety disorders.
Causes Of Anxiety Neurosis
1) Genetic factors
A family history of anxiety disorders or other psychological diseases predisposes certain people to develop anxiety disorders.
2) Imbalance of neurotransmitters
Dysregulation of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, norepinephrine, dopamine, and gamma-aminobutyric acid, is responsible for an anxiety disorder or anxiety neurosis.

3) Psychological factors
Personality type or personality disorders
People with certain personality types are more prone to develop anxiety disorders. People having low self-esteem and poor coping skills while dealing with different life situations are more prone to suffer from anxiety disorders. This basic nature of an individual makes them vulnerable to anxiety disorder.
Behavioral factors
In some patients, anxiety is a maladaptive learning response to certain past bad experiences or stressful situations. This maladaptive learning becomes generalized and reflected in the behavior of the person and anticipating future similar situations.
4) Environmental or social factors
Life experiences, such as the death of a loved one in the family, divorce, financial loss, uncertainty in job or loss of job, accident or major illness, and long-term exposure to abuse, violence, terrorism, and poverty can affect the person‘s attitude and response to life situations. These situations may make a person susceptible to anxiety neurosis.
Children growing up in a family where they have seen fear and anxiety as adaptive behavior can make them vulnerable to becoming anxious.
5) Medical illnesses and use of medicines
Certain medical illnesses, such as hormonal disorders, neurological disorders, respiratory diseases, or heart diseases, may present as or cause the symptoms of anxiety disorders.
The use of certain medicines or drugs may lead to symptoms of anxiety disorders. Hormonal treatment or therapy and drugs, such as amphetamines, sleeping pills, corticosteroids, bronchodilators, contraceptive pills, etc. may lead to anxiety disorders.
Symptoms Of Anxiety Neurosis
Anxiety neurosis can affect a person at an emotional, physical, or cognitive level. Commonly presenting symptoms of anxiety neurosis are:

Physical symptoms
Emotional symptoms
Cognitive symptoms
Dryness of mouth
Difficulty in swallowing
Rapid breathing or difficulty in breathing
An increased heart rate or palpitation
Hot flashes
Trembling of extremities
A headache
Nausea or vomiting
Muscle tension
An intense feeling that something harmful is about to happen
Excessive worry in an everyday situation
Feeling on edge
The anticipation of a threatening event or situation
Sleep disturbances
Strong desire to avoid social situations or things that trigger anxiety
Difficulty in concentrating
A lack of clarity while making a decision
Memory problems
Difficult perception of surroundings
Types Of Anxiety Disorders

Type of anxiety disorder
Panic disorder
Panic disorder is characterized by sudden attacks of terror accompanied by a rapid heart rate, sweating, weakness, fainting or dizziness, hot flushes or chilliness, tingling or numbness of hands, trembling of hands, etc. The patient may experience nausea, chest pain, choking sensations, and difficulty in breathing.
Panic attacks usually lead to a sense of unreality, a fear of impending doom, or a fear of losing control.
In between the two attacks, the patient is constantly worried about getting another panic attack. He avoids situations that may provoke a panic attack.
The duration of a panic attack may vary from a few minutes to hours.
Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Patients suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) are continuously occupied with persistent anxious thoughts or impulses (obsessions) and they do repetitive actions (compulsions) to control the anxiety, which produces the thoughts.
Here obsessions and compulsions are unreasonable and in excess cause marked distress to the patient.
The patient recognizes that these thoughts, impulses, or images are the product of his mind and not imposed from outside and he tries to avoid them.
Commonly seen Repetitive behaviors are washing hands, ordering, checking locks and doors repeatedly, etc. The patient feels the impulse to repeat these actions and to perform them to relieve the anxiety.
Post-traumatic stress disorder
- Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is developed after exposure to a traumatic or frightening life event.
- Patients of PTSD experience the following symptoms:
- Intense fear or anxiety about the same event or incident will repeat
- Restriction in daily activities
- Feeling detached or numb
- Sleep disturbances
- Easy startling
- A loss of pleasure or interest in activities which the patient used to enjoy previously
- Duration: It may last for more than 3 months to a few years
Generalized anxiety disorder
- Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is characterized by excessive, unreasonable anxiety and worry about day-to-day activities or events.
- Common symptoms of GAD are:
- Activities, such as daily work, study, performance, and day-to-day events. etc. may lead to intense anxiety
- Nervousness and restlessness in trifles
- Irritability
- Difficulty in concentrating
- Sleep disturbances
- Fatigue
- Duration: Anxiety occurs on most of days for at least 6 months.
Specific Phobias
When there is an excessive persistent irrational fear about some specific object or situation (such as the fear of animals, height, water, fire, going to elevators, crowded places, closed places, fear of blood, injections, etc.), then the anxiety disorder is termed as a specific phobia. The patient often tries to avoid that specific object or situation.
Social phobia
Patients with Social Anxiety Disorder or social phobia have excessive and persistent anxiety or fear in one or more social situations. A person suffering from a social phobia will avoid or will be extremely distressed in social meetings or situations.
The patient may experience symptoms like:
The fear of the crowd
Fear of social situations or social gatherings
Constant fear of negative evaluation by others
Inferiority complex
A feeling of suffocation, sweating, or rapid heart rate in social situations
Acute anxiety disorder
Acute anxiety disorder is precipitated by recent exposure to a stressful or traumatic life event. The patient often presents with the feeling of intense fear, helplessness, or horror. This interferes with the daily routine of the patient.
After such an event, the patient experiences:
The feeling of emotional numbness
Reduced awareness or no awareness about what is happening in the surroundings
The patient is unable to recall an important aspect of the trauma.
Re-experiencing the traumatic event repeatedly. The patient tries to avoid anything that reminds him or is related to the trauma.
Difficulty in concentrating
Sleep disturbances
Startle easily
Duration: The patient can experience the symptoms within a few days to 4 weeks after exposure to a stressful event. Symptoms may last for about 4 weeks.
Diagnosis Of Anxiety Neurosis
A physician, with the help of a detailed case history and physical examination of the patient, diagnoses anxiety disorders clinically. No laboratory tests are available that can diagnose anxiety disorders. A physician may suggest some tests to rule out other medical conditions with similar symptoms as anxiety disorders. There are different short-answer interviews or symptom inventories or tests available that help to evaluate the symptoms, types, and intensity of anxiety disorders. Sometimes, the patient may present with symptoms of more than one type of anxiety disorder.
Supportive Treatment (Diet, Lifestyle, and Exercises) For Anxiety Neurosis
Some of the best supportive measures to be followed along with proper medication for anxiety neurosis patients are:
1) Avoid anxiety triggers
Some situations, incidences, environmental factors, and food habits can trigger episodes of anxiety and may increase your stress levels. Try to identify your triggers and avoid them.
2) Take a deep breath
Whenever you experience stress or nervousness, slowly take deep breaths. This may help you to overcome your anxiety.

3) Take enough sound sleep
Take continuous adequate sleep of about 7-8 hours daily. Sound sleep helps to relax your mind and body. Avoid sleeping late at night. Sleep early and get up early.
4) Practice yoga & meditation
Practicing different yoga postures and pranayama daily may help to relax your mind and body. Practicing meditation regularly helps you to reduce your anxiety and stress levels.
5) Practice relaxation techniques
Listening to music, massage, reading a book, and other relaxation techniques relax your mind and body. It may help you to cope with stress and reduce anxiety.
6) Reduce the intake of coffee, alcohol, and tobacco
Excess intake of caffeine, tobacco, and alcohol can increase the symptoms of anxiety or trigger anxiety neurosis.
7) Exercise regularly
Regular exercises may increase the secretion of serotonin (happiness hormone) which improves your mood and reduces anxiety and stress levels.
8) Eat a healthy and balanced diet
Eating a healthy, nutritious balanced diet helps manage anxiety disorder along with proper medicines, exercises, and other relaxation techniques. Include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and adequate fluids in your diet.
9) Psychotherapy or counseling
Psychotherapy, counseling, behavioral therapy, and relaxation techniques under the guidance of an expert may help in managing anxiety disorders along with homeopathic treatment.
Conventional Treatment For Anxiety Neurosis
Usually, conventional treatment for anxiety disorders consists of anti-anxiety medicines or anxiolytics, Anti-depressant medicines, sleeping pills, etc. Commonly prescribed medicines are serotonin, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, benzodiazepines, ketamine, tricyclic antidepressants, etc. Antidepressants or anxiolytics block the emotional responses and control the anxiety response. There are many side effects of these medicines. One of the common side effects of these medicines is a dependency on them.
Our Experience In Treating Anxiety Neurosis At Life Force
Dr. Rajesh Shah has been treating different types of anxiety disorders since the last more than 30 years in over 180 countries. Along with that for various chronic diseases, he formulated a strategic treatment protocol for different types of anxiety disorders.

As anxiety disorders affect the psychology of the person, while treating these diseases individualized case study plays a very important role. The homeopathic prescription is based on the same principle. Homeopathic case-taking understands the patient’s psyche and body together while selecting the medicine, and hence it treats the disease at a deeper level and gives long-lasting relief to anxiety neurosis.
As per our experience in treating different cases at Life Force, homeopathy is highly effective, safe, and produces long-lasting effects. Homeopathic medicines are non-habit-forming. Anxiety disorders affect the quality of life of the patient. Going for homeopathic medicines provides a sense of well-being and improves the quality of life significantly. Homeopathy is life-changing to many patients when it is taken under the guidance of experienced and expert homeopaths.
Related Diseases
- Major Depression
- Phobia
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Alcohol-Related Psychosis
- Androgen Excess
- Dissociative Disorders
- Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
- Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
- Alcoholism
- Insomnia