What is Child Asthma?
Child asthma or childhood asthma is a respiratory disease affecting infants and children. It is a chronic inflammatory condition of the respiratory tubes that is often associated with allergies. Children with asthmatic bronchitis face difficulty in breathing which results in a wheezing (whistling) sound from the chest. This condition often starts with a cold (a runny nose) and cough for weeks which is followed by breathlessness or panting after exertion. And, this breathlessness is caused due to the constriction of respiratory tubes (i.e. the bronchi) in the lungs. Many cases are often associated with allergies, such as eczema, allergic rhinitis, urticaria, etc., while some cases may only present with an inflammatory condition of the respiratory passage. And, a few cases can be a combination of allergy and an inflammatory condition.

Childhood asthma is also called pediatric (branch of medicine related to diseases in children) asthma in medical terms. It is one of the most common chronic conditions in infants and children and is difficult to diagnose. It has been found that a few children after the age of 7 years naturally outgrow asthma. However, they need rigorous treatment and good medical attention to reduce the longevity of this disease once they are diagnosed with it.
Incidence: Globally, about 11% to 13% of the population under the age of 18 years suffers from asthma. Boys are found to suffer from this condition more than girls. Childhood asthma has been one of the top reasons for absenteeism in school.
Homeopathic Treatment For Child Asthma
Homeopathy is a better and safer option for treating asthmatic bronchitis in infants and children. It works by boosting immunity and improving the lung capacities of the patient. Homeopathy also works on the airways, thereby reducing the inflammation which in turn reduces the cough and breathlessness. Regular homeopathic treatment for a sufficient period helps in reducing the frequency and intensity of the attacks. There are various homeopathic medicines, such as Arsenic album, Hepar sulphuricum, Natrum sulphuricum, Medorrhinum, and Antimonium tartaricum, which can remedy most diseases of the respiratory tract. These medicines also help in improving the general health of the patient who is affected due to the disease. The overall recovery from this asthmatic condition with homeopathic remedies depends on the duration, severity, and frequency of the asthma episodes.
The following summarizes the indications for the above-mentioned homeopathic medicines:
1) Arsenicum album:
The best homeopathic medicine for allergic cough and childhood asthma homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Album is indicated for children with asthma with anxiety, restlessness, and fatigue. Asthma attacks typically occur from midnight to 3 a.m., presenting with breathing difficulties, wheezing, and a burning chest. Children often crave small sips of water, show restlessness, fear being alone, and general insecurity. The symptoms are aggravated by cold air and nighttime
2) Hepar Sulphuricum:
Hepar Sulphuricum is indicated for children with asthma with cold sensitivity, irritability, and a rattling, productive cough with thick yellow mucus. Children prefer warm drinks, are highly pain-sensitive, and are prone to respiratory infections and skin conditions like eczema. The symptoms are worse in cold weather and early mornings but improve with warmth. Exposure to cold drafts or chilly weather can exacerbate the asthma. The child might be restless, fidgety, and hard to comfort due to the constant irritation from the symptoms.
3) Natrum Sulphuricum:
Natrum Sulphuricum is recommended for child asthma, particularly when triggered by damp weather. Respiratory symptoms feature shortness of breath, a loose cough with greenish mucus, and wheezing. These symptoms worsen in wet, humid conditions but improve in dry environments. The child may have mood swings, sadness, irritability, and high activity levels. Other symptoms can include skin issues like warts and headaches related to sinus congestion or damp weather.
4) Medorrhinum:
In homeopathy for childhood asthma, Medorrhinum treats child asthma in children with a family history of respiratory conditions. Respiratory symptoms include wheezing, chest tightness, and a thick, yellow-green cough, often worse at night and in damp environments. Relief is found in dry, warm climates. The behavioral signs include restlessness, fearfulness, anxiety, and memory issues. They frequently suffer from respiratory infections and skin issues like eczema or warts, and night sweats are common.
5) Antimonium tartaricum:
Asthma treatment homeopathy Antimonium tartaricum is indicated for child asthma characterized by weakness and lethargy, where children appear tired and disinterested in activities. They often seek comfort by wanting to be carried or held. Irritability and a low frustration tolerance are common traits. Respiratory symptoms include a loose, rattling cough with difficulty expelling thick mucus, severe breathing difficulties with audible wheezing, and potential cyanosis indicating oxygen depletion in severe cases. Breathing may be easier when the child is upright or supported with pillows rather than lying down. The behavioral signs include fear and anxiety related to breathing issues, with children often clinging to caregivers for security. Additional indications include excessive mucus production, profuse sweating during attacks, and decreased appetite during severe episodes.
6) Ipecacuanha:
Ipecacuanha homeopathic medicine for allergic cough in children is suited for children with asthma with persistent nausea, violent vomiting, and a pale, bluish face indicating distress. Respiratory symptoms include a spasmodic, dry cough with wheezing and difficulty breathing, feeling suffocated despite efforts. The symptoms worsen in warm, stuffy environments and damp weather. Emotional signs include profound anguish and restlessness despite lacking thirst. Additional indications include a clean tongue and drowsiness following severe coughing spells.

Scope And Duration of Treatment
- Homeopathy has a wide scope when it comes to treating child asthma effectively and safely without any side effects. Homeopathy focuses on reducing the frequency, duration, and intensity of recurrent cold, cough, and asthma episodes.
- The scope of recovery is good when the case is detected/diagnosed recently. The earlier you start the homeopathic treatment the better the recovery.
- Recently (less than one year) detected cases may start responding within 6 to 8 weeks of homeopathic treatment.
- Chronic cases (children suffering from asthma for more than 2-3 years) take more time to recover than cases which are just a year old. They may also need time to respond to the treatment and may show some response within 3-4 months of the treatment.
- In our experience, we have noted that children respond to homeopathic treatment more effectively than adults.
- Cases treated with steroids for a long time increase the duration of the homeopathic treatment.
- Genetically, inherited cases of asthma need long-term treatment to attain a good remission (symptom-free) period.
Our Experience in Treating Child Asthma Using Homeopathy
Based on our rich experience of 34 years, we at Life Force, strongly recommend homeopathy as the first line of treatment for childhood asthma. We have been treating over 550 cases of child asthma, out of which the majority of the cases responded very well to our medicines. We have documented cases of children who were in various stages of asthmatic bronchitis. We could successfully reduce the episodes of recurrent colds, coughs, and asthma which also helped us in improving their general health and overall growth. We could bring smiles to the faces of many parents, who later narrated their success stories of how homeopathic treatment helped their children to get rid of asthma(give video link here).In this way, we have helped children reduce their absenteeism in school which would further lead to their bright future.

Asthma in children is a complex disease to diagnose. One should think of homeopathy at the earliest for a steady recovery.
Pathogenesis Of Child Asthma
This disease usually starts long before it is even identified. Long-term triggers of asthma lead to sensitization and chronic inflammation of the respiratory passages. This further leads to hypersecretion of mucus (a liquid secreted by mucous membranes and glands in the lungs) causing recurrent colds and coughs. This chronic airway inflammation leads to the constriction of the respiratory tubes (bronchi) limiting the airflow into the lungs. This finally leads to respiratory symptoms, such as breathlessness, wheezing, and a full-blown picture of asthma.
The term ‘atopy’ is linked to allergic conditions like asthma. Atopy is a tendency or a genetic predisposition to generate IgE (an immunoglobulin that is triggered after any allergic reaction in the body) in response to an allergen in the air.

Causes Of Child Asthma
1) Recurrent upper respiratory tract infections (cold and cough)
2)Genetics: A strong family history of asthma or allergies may make a child suffer from this asthmatic condition. Either of the parents suffering from any allergic conditions, such as asthma, eczema (allergic skin rash), or allergic rhinitis (allergic cold), may make the child prone to contracting it. If both parents are suffering from any of such allergies, the risk is even greater.
3)Smoke: Passive smoking (long-term exposure to cigarette smoking without self-smoking) may make a child suffer from this condition. Exposure to tobacco smoke before or after birth too may be a reason for the development of asthma in kids.
4)Low weight at birth
5)Living in areas with high air pollution

Symptoms Of Child Asthma
1) Asthma usually starts with frequent colds and coughs, where the cough usually gets worse at night
2) Wheezing: On chest examination, a high-pitched whistling sound in the lungs can be heard while breathing out (exhalation)
3) Difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, particularly after exertion
4) Discomfort or tightness in the chest
5) The child gets tired easily after doing any activity.
6) Generalized weakness and a lack of stamina

Triggering Factors For Child Asthma
The symptoms may worsen after exposure to certain triggers or events as listed below.
1) Smoke
2) Strong odors: Perfumes, incense sticks, phenyls, etc.
3) Dust and dust mites
4) Pollens: Season between the month of March-May
5) Pet dander (dog or cat fur)
6) Eating foods containing preservatives, canned foods, eggs, peanuts, pistachios, fish, etc.
Tests And Diagnosis For Child Asthma
Child asthma is diagnosed after studying a thorough case history and physical examination. The child is examined for any sounds in the chest (typically wheezing in asthma)and any chest congestion to assess any lung infection if it’s affecting the kid. A chest X-ray of your child is needed to see the condition of the lungs or any evidence of respiratory tract infection. If your child is more than 6 years old, a test called spirometry is performed that will measure the capacity of the lungs after air is blown in. This gives a fair idea about the severity of asthma. Other tests include a complete blood count to monitor Eosinophil count and IgE levels (allergy levels in the blood).
Conventional Treatment For Child Asthma
Bronchodilators and anti-inflammatory drugs are the mainstays of modern medical prescription. Steroid inhalers are also administered to infants and children suffering from chronic cough and wheezing. However, children who are under 4 years of age are given a low dose of steroids through nebulizers. Other treatments like postural drainage (medical treatment in which the patient is placed in a slightly inverted position to promote the removal of cough) may be recommended as per the need.
Supportive Measures For Child Asthma (Diet, Exercise, And Environmental Modifications)
Diet And Exercise
Monitor the child for allergies to any particular environmental trigger or any food substances. Generally, children are found to be allergic to groundnuts, almonds, preserved foods, pistachios, soybeans, fish, milk, eggs, and wheat. Identify the food allergen and avoid it for a certain time. We, at Life Force, recommend a gluten-free(gluten is a protein in wheat) and casein-free (casein is a protein in milk) diet for asthma during homeopathic treatment. Gradually, start introducing the same once you find that the frequency and intensity of asthma episodes have reduced after the treatment. Warm fluids, such as tulsi and ginger tea, are also good home remedies that can help keep recurrent colds and coughs at bay.

Exercise: This is one of the most important factors for asthma management in children. Some parents have a notion that children suffering from asthma should be restricted indoors and should not be playing out with other children to avoid infection. This belief might make asthma even worse. It is important that the child should play good outdoor games, which involve lung activity and should engage in every sport, which will improve their lung capacities. This routine should be avoided during severe cold and cough episodes.
Environmental Modifications
Asthma is known to get triggered in humid weather. Hence, it is important to prevent moisture from getting trapped around you. Keep yourself dry. Babies and children should wear clothes that are properly dried in the sun or under the fan. Wet and soiled clothes should be immediately changed. Avoid getting wet in the rain. Dry your child immediately if he gets wet in the rain. Warm baths twice a day help to keep the body warm. It has been observed that during an episode exposing your child to a pollution-free environment where there is plenty of fresh air often helps in relieving your kid of asthma symptoms.

Ensure that you keep your home clean and dry. This will help keep fungi, pests, and dust mites at bay which, in turn, will help in preventing asthma symptoms. Avoid keeping pets at home. Keep your child away from dogs and cats which may trigger the symptoms of asthma. Refrain from using strong detergents, perfumes, and incense sticks at home when cold and cough start affecting you.
Healthy lifestyle practices, including proper handwashing, wearing clean clothes, drinking plenty of liquids, particularly warm fluids during the episodes, a well-balanced diet, and adequate rest will go a long way in treating childhood asthma.
Related Disease:
- Allergy
- Copd
- Pneumonias
- Frequent Cold
- Larangyeal Oedema
- Upper Airway Obstruction (By Tumor)
- Endo Bronchial Tumor
- Vocal Cord Dysfunction
- Congestive Heart Failure