Mrs. R. K., 30 years old businesswoman (Patient Identification Number - 20642) visited our clinic on 12th February 2013. She was responsible and dutiful wife and a mother of 3 years old daughter. The skin complaint had started since 3 months. She had applied steroid ointments and tablets for 2 months. The itching, dryness and redness had increased since a month. The red patches were present almost all over the body. The itching would increase in night and heat. She was presently having severe eczema with severe imflammatory lesions all over her body.

Her appetite was average and liking for all kind of food. She was sensitive to cold weather. The bowels were regular. The menses were regular. Her sleep would be disturbed.
She was working in a spare part company. Her husband was into cold storage business. Her daughter was 3 years old, staying with her, but under day care at her maternal grandparents. Her in laws were staying near by.
She was stressed since past few months as her mother and maternal aunt were not keeping well. She would feel guilty regarding troubling her parents to look after her daughter.
She was affectionate towards her family. She had become irritable and frustrated due to the stress balancing work and family. It would be difficult for her to multitask which would cause her irritability. At work her boss would admonish her and she would weep silently without back answering.
Her mother was suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure. She had anxiety and worry about her mother's health. She always had a hectic schedule, managing her home, dropping her daughter at her mother's home going to office and then picking her daughter from her mother on way home. Every small disturbance in her tight daily routine disturbed her entire schedule.
She was taking care of lots of business work. She was the apple of the eye of her boss. She was the ideal employee. A few years ago, her boss appointed some relatives, who made blunders and his business sank. So all the responsibility of rebuilding the business fell on her shoulders. However the loss had it's toll on her boss and he had become very eccentric and abusive. She was also shouted upon several times. She felt it very insulting.
She would go to the wash room and weep. She never back answered. They had many japanese clients and she was also studing the japanese language. All these tasks and anxietues and frustrations had made her loose her cool at home. She had become irritable and short tempered. She would throw things and shout. Luckily her husband was very supportive and calm. Her boss also went for vipassana and became calm. He eventually appreciated her and apologized to her. She has also done one course of vipassana, and has become more calm now. However due to the skin complaints her life had become miserable .
Her case details were studied by Dr. Shah she was prescribed research based medicines.
She visited on 14th March 2013 with considerable improvement in her itching, dryness and redness. Her prescription was upgraded by Dr. Shah.
She visited on 12th April 2013 with significant improvement. The redness was much better and the patches were appearing dark and healed. There was no itching. She was advised to apply moisturizing lotions on the healed patches.
She visited on 23rd May 2013 with complete recovery of her skin patches. There were no active, red, dry spots. All the lesions were healed into dark pigmented patches which were fading gradually.
She was happy with this fast and complete recovery.
Uploaded on 15th June 2013 by Dr. M. N. P.