He used to fall sick every now and then, but after coming to Life Force, life is much better.

Mast V.D.M (Patient Identification Number 17832) was a patient of Asthmatic Bronchitis since 2 years. His Asthma episodes would start with running nose, followed by cough with thick, difficult expectoration. He would get continuous cough for around 1-2 hours. Continuous cough would cause difficulty in breathing. Sometimes cough would result in vomiting. His complaints would get aggravated at night and in winter. He was getting episodes of Asthma almost once in a month and each episode would last for 15-20 days.

He had to be given nebulizer once in 2 days. He was using Budecort puff thrice a day since last 1 year. He had taken 2-3 courses of steroids in last 2 years. In spite of all these medications, he was getting episodes of Asthma. His parents were worried about his continuous suffering. They came to know about Life Force through internet. After studying all the information shared on website and examining case studies of treated patients at Life Force, they decided to treat their child at Life Force. Mast. V.D.M was brought to the clinic by his parents on 26th December 2011.

He had an average appetite. He was fond of sour and spicy food. He would not like sweets much. Thirst and bowel habits were normal. He would get profuse generalized perspiration. He was more comfortable in cold weather. Sleep was occasionally disturbed due to cough.

Mast V.D.M was a first standard student, staying in nuclear family. He was obstinate and introvert by nature. He would take time to mix with others and would never initiate communication with others. He would express his anger only in front of family members. His irritability has increased due to his sufferings. He was not able to concentrate in school.

His case was studied in detail by Dr. Rajesh Shah and constitutional medicine was prescribed. He started responding well to the treatment. On 6th February 2012, he reported 20% improvement. He had one episode of Asthma in six weeks. Intensity of the complaints was reduced by 20%. He required nebulization only once during that episode. He was still on Budecort puff thrice a day. His feedback was studied and medicines were upgraded.

He reported 30-40% improvement on 30th March 2012. Frequency of Asthma episode was once in a month. Duration was reduced to 10-12 days. Intensity of cough was reduced by 30-40%. He had to nebulize only once. Budecort puff was reduced to once a day. He showed good improvement in his further follow ups. On 5th June 2012, he was 50% recovered from Asthma. Intensity of complaints was reduced by 50%. He did not require nebulization. Budecort puff was further reduced to once in 2-3 days.

On 30th July 2012, there was 70-80% improvement. Mast V.D.M had mild episode of Asthma once in last 6 weeks. Intensity of cough and difficulty in breathing was better by 70%. He could stop Budecort puff. Duration of Asthma episode was reduced to 4-6 days. By 8th October 2012, Mast V.D.M was almost completely recovered from his Asthmatic Bronchitis. He did not have any episode of cough and breathlessness in last two months. His parents were very satisfied with the treatment.

Uploaded by Dr. G.J. on 9 Jan 2013.

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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.