Terms, conditions of use, disclaimer and Refund policy, Chargeback policy
Risk-Free Satisfaction Assured 
If you are not satisfied with the treatment after taking it for six weeks, you can return the medicine bottle with unused tablets to our office in India. An $ 80 fee (shipping and handling) will apply and the rest of your money will be refunded. The refund will be executed if the medicine parcel is received by us within 8 weeks. Renewal patients are not eligible as they already have experience with our success. (Valid for all orders from 14th April 2008)
The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician. Information and opinions expressed on this website may be those of the doctors who have written them on the basis of their education and experience.
The website developers, Life Force, Homoeopathy India Pvt Ltd, Life Force Molecules Pvt Ltd., and Dr. Rajesh Shah take no responsibility whatsoever of the consequences experienced by the patients who may use the information provided on this website. The Life Force center and Dr. Shah team assure you of the best possible efforts for those who apply for online treatment. However, please note that we do not claim to cure each and every case, nor do we guarantee any magical cure. The homeopathic medicines are essentially free from side effects. Our organization runs a reputed medical center in India and the treatment offered online is from our clinic in India. We have a medical license to practice in India. We do not suggest to replace or substitute for conventional treatment. Our organization takes no responsibility for any presumed complications. It is considered that the user has read and agreed to this disclaimer when one uses the literature on this site and the online treatment option.
About Prescription:
Due to the complex nature of homeopathy prescribing, please note that it is not within the scope of the online treatment service to give any elaborate explanation on the prescription.
Refund policy:
Applicable to all of our online patients who have signed up on or after 10th July 2017.
Please note our refund policy clearly defined as under:
1. Canceling the order before medicine dispatch:
If you cancel your request for treatment soon after placing a request for Treatment on or before we process the disease details you send us in the form of a questionnaire reply, Cancellation charges (as under) will be deducted.
a. In the case of Four months plan:
Validity: Refund request would be valid until 14 days from the date of a request sent for treatment.
4 months
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 275
US$ 33
US$ 242
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 250
€ 33
€ 217
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 240
US$ 33
US$ 207
b. In the case of Eight months plan:
Validity: Refund request would be valid until 14 days from the date of a request sent for treatment.
8 months
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 440
US$ 39
US$ 401
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 395
€ 39
€ 356
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 365
US$ 39
US$ 326
c. In the case of One Year plan:
Validity: Refund request would be valid until 14 days from the date of a request sent for treatment.
12 months
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 595
US$ 50
US$ 545
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 535
€ 45
€ 490
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 485
US$ 50
US$ 435
d. In the case of Two Years plan:
Validity: The refund request would be valid until 14 days from the date of the request sent for treatment.
24 months
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 990
US$ 72
US$ 918
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 890
€ 75
€ 815
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 795
US$ 72
US$ 723
e. In the case of Three Years plan:
Validity: Refund request would be valid until 14 days from the date of a request sent for treatment
36 months
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 104
US$ 1336
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1300
€ 104
€ 1196
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1190
US$ 104
US$ 1086
2. Cancelling the treatment after we dispatch the medicine (In the case of a Four months plan): In the case of four months plan, in case you are not satisfied with our system and support, we can refund your amount after deduction of USD 100 (or its equivalent) towards Cancellation, admin and shipping charges. This deduction of USD 100 is applicable to patients belonging to the Groups I, II, III. For such a request, the patient is suggested to return the medicine parcel with unused medicines, which should reach us within eight weeks of the date of original medicine from our center.
It may be noted that such a refund is made towards assuring the patients of our online services. This refund policy does not denote that the disease will get cured or better within six or eight weeks, as chronic diseases may obviously take much more time to show an initial response.
3. Canceling the order after we dispatch the 1st batch of medicine (In case of eight months plan):
Validity: The refund request would be valid until 150 days from the date of the request sent for treatment.
8 months
Deduction for the first Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 440
US$ 275
US$ 35
US$ 130
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 395
€ 250
€ 30
€ 115
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 365
US$ 240
US$ 35
US$ 90
4. Canceling the Treatment after 1st Prescription and 2nd Prescription (In the case of Eight months plan): No refund.
5. Canceling the Treatment after the 1st Prescription (In the case of Twelve months plan):
Validity: The refund request would be valid until 150 days from the date of the request sent for treatment.
12 months
Deduction for the first Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 595
US$ 275
US$ 45
US$ 275
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 535
€ 250
€ 35
€ 250
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 485
US$ 240
US$ 45
US$ 200
6. Canceling the Treatment after the 1st Prescription and 2nd Prescription (In the case of One Year plan):
Validity: The refund request would be valid until 270 days from the date of the request sent for treatment.
12 months
Deducting for the first and second Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 595
US$ 440
US$ 45
US$ 110
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 535
€ 395
€ 35
€ 105
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 485
US$ 365
US$ 45
US$ 75
7. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prescription (In the case of One Year plan): No refund.
8. Canceling the Treatment after 1st Prescription (In the case of Two Years Plan):
24 months
Deduction for the first Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 990
US$ 275
US$ 65
US$ 650
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 890
€ 250
€ 60
€ 580
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 795
US$ 240
US$ 65
US$ 490
9. Canceling the Treatment after 1st Prescription and 2nd Prescription (In the case of Two Years plan):
24 months
Deducting for the first and second Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 990
US$ 440
US$ 65
US$ 485
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 890
€ 395
€ 60
€ 435
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 795
US$ 365
US$ 65
US$ 365
10. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prescription (In the case of Two Years plan):
24 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 990
US$ 595
US$ 65
US$ 330
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 890
€ 535
€ 60
€ 295
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 795
US$ 485
US$ 65
US$ 245
11. Cancelling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th Prescription (In the case of Two Years plan):
24 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 990
US$ 750
US$ 65
US$ 175
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 890
€ 680
€ 60
€ 150
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 795
US$ 620
US$ 65
US$ 110
12. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th Prescription (In the case of Two Years plan):
24 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 990
US$ 850
US$ 65
US$ 75
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 890
€ 780
€ 60
€ 50
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 795
US$ 685
US$ 65
US$ 45
13. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th and 6th Prescription (In the case of Two Years plan): No refund.
14. Canceling the Treatment after 1st Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan):
36 months
Deduction for the first Prescription charges
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 275
US$ 95
US$ 1070
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1300
€ 250
€ 85
€ 965
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1190
US$ 240
US$ 95
US$ 855
15. Canceling the Treatment after 1st and 2nd Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan):
36 months
Deducting for the first and second Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 440
US$ 95
US$ 905
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1300
€ 395
€ 85
€ 820
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1190
US$ 365
US$ 95
US$ 730
16. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan):
36 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 595
US$ 95
US$ 750
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1300
€ 535
€ 85
€ 680
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1190
US$ 485
US$ 95
US$ 610
17. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd and 4th Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan):
36 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 750
US$ 95
US$ 595
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1300
€ 680
€ 85
€ 535
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1190
US$ 620
US$ 95
US$ 475
18. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th and 5th Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan):
36 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 850
US$ 95
US$ 495
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1300
€ 780
€ 85
€ 435
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1190
US$ 685
US$ 95
US$ 410
19. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th and 6th Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan):
36 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 990
US$ 95
US$ 355
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1300
€ 865
€ 85
€ 350
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1190
US$ 795
US$ 95
US$ 300
20. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th and 7th Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan):
36 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th and 7th Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 1150
US$ 95
US$ 195
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1070
€ 830
€ 80
€ 160
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1080
US$ 840
US$ 95
US$ 145
21. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th and 8th Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan):
36 months
Deducting for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th Prescription
Cancellation charges
Refund amount
I (US / Canada)
US$ 1440
US$ 1265
US$ 95
US$ 80
II (Europe/Australia)
€ 1300
€ 1140
€ 80
€ 80
III (Asia / Africa)
US$ 1190
US$ 1050
US$ 95
US$ 45
22. Canceling the Treatment after 1st, 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th 8th and 9th Prescription (In the case of Three Years plan): No refund.
23. Regarding additional plans: All additional plans must be equal to or lesser than the active primary plan opted.
24. Coupon code: Benefits availed through Coupon codes are Non-Refundable.
Please note in the case of chargeback requested in error then it would be card holder's responsibility to bear the chargeback fees.
Chargeback and retrieval request fees are between US$15 and US$60. These fees are imposed by Multicards - our service provider's bank when they receive the chargeback and/or retrieval documentation from our customer's bank.
Terms and Conditions:
- In the case of requesting a refund, please send an e-mail to PSS or call our Mumbai office
- In the case of having medicine being sent or collected from our center, there will not be any possibility to get a refund as our medicines and consultation are individual specific.
- The refund will be made available from our Mumbai center office. The time is taken to get a refund may be dependent on factors such as the credit card company, bank or other institutes, over which we may have no control.
- If the above institutes levy extra charges for a refund, the refund amount may vary accordingly.
- A refund may be made in US$ or Indian Rupees depending on the regulations.
- A refund request is applicable if made within 30 days of placing fresh treatment or within 30 days of the beginning of the remaining applicable treatment period (4 or 8 months) before the medicines are dispatched.
- Life Force reserves rights to modify the refund policy at its discretion, without notice.
- Please note that Life Force is not liable to give any refund to those patients who do not revert back to us by sending a reply to the questionnaire, within one year of signing up for the treatment. Those patients who do not reply to the questionnaire even after reminders twice (by e-mail as well as by post), will not be liable for any refund nor any medication if they do not respond within one year from the date of sign-up or within 8 months of the dispatch of the last batch of medicine, in the case of those who have chosen for 8 or 12 months plan.
- Patients choosing the wrong treatment plan in terms of location (e.g. choosing India plan despite residing outside India), will have to produce the valid proof of residence, failing which a refund will be given after deducting an amount equivalent to USD 25. The refund will be given in Indian Rupees by a cheque.
The use of our services amounts to agreeing to the refund policy.
- In case you have questions or queries, please feel free to talk to our support team.
- All those patients who have signed-up/renewed treatment plan before 10th July. 2017, click here for an old refund policy.
Patients requesting a refund during the course of treatment, (Applicable to patients residing in India.)
In the case of a refund request any time during the course of treatment, the following deductions will be applicable w.e.f:
- Case taking charges with consultation INR. 3000 ( one time) for patients visiting at Life Force Homeopathy clinics for Head Office Chembur and INR. 1500 for all other branches.
- For Renewals: Consultation Fee INR. 2000 ( one time) for patients visiting at Life Force Homeopathy clinics for Head Office Chembur and INR. 1000 for all other Branches.
- Consultation and Cancellation charges for online treatment: INR. 2000/-
- For Renewals: Consultation and Cancellation charges online treatment: INR 1500/-
- For Primary Treatment Plan: Medicine Charges INR 600/- per week for the 1st batch of medicines and after that on a proportionate basis for further treatment continued and medicines provided.
- For Additional Treatment Plan: Medicine Charges @ INR 250/- per week for the 1st batch of medicines and after that on a proportionate basis for further treatment continued and medicines provided.
- There is no refund on the dispensed medicines, or medicines not used by the patients, as medicines are not usable by us in any way.
- The refund request will be valid only if made before the end of the treatment plan opted by the patient, which may be for 4, 8, 12, 24 and 36 months.
- No refund will be available if the patient approaches us after the end of the course of treatment.
- If the patient claims to recover within a period shorter than the treatment plan opted for, there will be no refund available, as the treatment plan indicates charges of the treatment up to the specified period. How to request a refund: The patient is requested to produce a receipt of fees. No refund will be available without a valid receipt.
- How to request a refund: The patient is requested to produce a receipt of fees. No refund will be available without a valid receipt.
- The refund may be given only by cheque in favor of the patient (or guardian) who has made the payment. No refund will be made by cash.
- Instruction about this Refund Policy has been displayed on the notice board.
- The starting of treatment confirms that the patient has agreed to this Refund Policy.
- Please note that Life Force is not liable to give any refund to those patients who do not revert back to us by sending a reply to the questionnaire, within one year of signing up for the treatment. Those patients who do not reply to the questionnaire even after reminders twice (by e-mail), will not be liable for any refund nor any medication if they do not respond within one year from the date of sign-up or within 8 months of the dispatch of the last batch of medicine, in the case of those who have chosen for 8 or 12 months plan.
- The refund policy is subject to change without prior notice and decision of our panel of doctor's will be final.
- The refund request is not valid on 4th month plan, for plan 8 months and above refund applicable if patient is not doing medically well and atleast 6 weeks before end of plan.
- Refund is not applicable in part payment cases, low fee form, family plan and special discount cases.
The information provided on this site is designed to support, not replace, the relationship that exists between a patient/site visitor and his/her existing physician. Information and opinions expressed on this website may be those of the doctors who have written them on the basis of their education and experience.
The information provided should be examined in the light of individual case evaluation by local doctors. The website developers, Life Force, Homoeopathy India Foundation, Homoeopathy India Pvt Ltd, Life Force Molecules Pvt Ltd., and Dr. Rajesh Shah take no responsibility whatsoever for the consequences experienced by the patients who may use the information provided on this website. The Life Force center and Dr. Shah team assure you of the best possible efforts for those who apply for online treatment. However, please note that we do not claim to cure each and every case, nor do we guarantee any magical cure. The homeopathic medicines are essentially free from side effects. Our organization runs a reputed medical center in India and the treatment offered online is from our clinic in India. We have medical licenses to practice in India. We do not suggest to replace or substitute for conventional treatment. Our organization takes no responsibility for any presumed complications. It is considered that the user has read and agreed to this disclaimer when one uses the literature on this site and the online treatment option.
Dispute / litigation
Any dispute / litigation /arbitration subject to Mumbai jurisdiction only.
About Prescription:
Due to the complex nature of homeopathy prescribing, please note that it is not within the scope of the online treatment service to give an elaborate explanation of the prescription.
Use of Information :
Life Force (Life Force Molecules Pvt Ltd, Homoeopathy India Pvt Ltd., and Life Force center) uses contact information obtained through our websites and other means to send e-mail, newsletter and postal mail supplying prospective patients with the most recent service information, by submission the contact details by you are hear by authorize us to call you. Life Force may contact you by e-mail or call to send you information about your order (e.g.: order confirmations, shipment notifications, etc.). Life Force may also contact site visitors via e-mail regarding their account status, and changes to any relevant agreements or policies. Life Force does not share information with third parties that, based on our experiential or other data, do not personally identify any of our users.