Patient's testimonials at Life Force

Within one year of starting the treatment, I saw very good response and I have gradually progressed from pain every day on the right side of my face to NO pain at all.

My name is K.H, My PIN is 9259 and I reside in California, USA

I approached Life Force Center for my TN problem. TN was a very painful condition for me and I was experiencing continuous pain and numbness on the face especially the right side of face. I would also experience severe numbness in my right hand and fingers. The thumb felt very cold, then it moved throughout my hand and the side of my neck was numb, this happened almost every day. I had a MRI done but nothing was found but the Multiple Sclerosis (MS). MS was a cause for TN. I approached Life Force for my pain and TN. 

Within one year of starting the treatment, I saw very good response and I have gradually progressed from pain every day on the right side of my face to NO pain at all. 

I would like to thank Dr Shah and let him know that I appreciate his medicines. It does not hurt anymore. I feel good. 

Robert Renaud - MA, United States

It has been almost 8 months since I started taking your medicine, I am so happy that I found your site on the internet. My Trigeminal Neuralgia is completely GONE!!! I thank you so much and I have been passing the word on about this medicine.. Again, thank you so much.

Lois Barger - Oregon, United States

Thank you very much as your Homeopathic medicines seem to help much more than any of them I can get in the U.S.

Daughter of M. B. Umapathi, Mumbai, India

Thanks for your wonderful medicines given to my father for Trigeminal Neuralgia. Till today he has completed 4 months treatment and now his pain has reduced to 30% as compared to earlier. Thank you very much Dr Shah for helping him.

Daughter of Floryzita Fernandes - Karnataka, India

She is much better now, but the pain hasn't completely gone away. I'd like to thank you abundantly. It would be good to see her get fully rid of the pain. Her trigeminal neuralgia is much better now, although it still hurts in the mornings when she wakes up. She has to rinse her mouth with warm water as cold water aggravates the pain. During the day it only hurts around 3 times a day for a few seconds, but cold foods- like cold drinks or other edibles taken straight out of the fridge and eaten- bring about pain. Also, she feels pain while applying lipstick. Before your treatment, she used to be in terrible pain throughout the day, but now there has been considerable improvement. I'm really hoping that she will be completely cured.

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Phone: +91-22-67978289
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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.