Breathing Easy with Homeopathy A Case of Sinusitis

Inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining the sinus cavities, which are small hollow spaces behind the forehead, nose, eyes, and cheeks, is called sinusitis. Typically, mucus plugs these cavities and drains via small channels.

The most frequent cause of acute sinusitis is an upper respiratory tract virus infection, which can restrict the para-nasal sinuses'''''''' ability to drain and cause localized pain, tenderness, and low-grade fever.



A 34-year-old patient (Patient ID: 39859) consulted at the Life Force Malleswaram branch on 10th April 2019 for her sinusitis treatment. 

She had been suffering from sinusitis for 12 years. She had symptoms of severe sneezing, watery, fluent Coryza, and lachrymation. She was allergic to dust, perfumes, and fragrances. During the initial consultation, a comprehensive case history was taken, focusing on physical and mental state.


Physical Make-up:

The patient had a mixed diet; her appetite was average. 

She craved spicy food, chicken, and dairy products.

Her bowels and sleep were satisfactory. Her menstrual cycle was 28-32 days of cycle with 5 days of bleeding. There was a history of ectopic pregnancy in November 2019.


Family History and Background:

Her father was suffering from diabetes and hypertension, and her mother had osteoarthritis.


Mental State:

The patient is a housewife. As a person, she is irritable, loving toward family and close friends, talkative, cries easily, and is afraid of small spaces, airplanes, elevators, the height of the water, and the dark. Her married life was a bit disappointing.

Dr. Shah prescribed Natrum Mur for her sinusitis after reviewing his thorough case history.


Follow-ups :

She was 50% better on the first follow-up on June 15, 2019, after taking medication for two months, and her frequency of complaints had improved.

More progress was observed on November 11, 2019; her immunity was gradually improving overall.

Episodes were cut down to once a month on 27th January, 2020, and they only lasted for a day before getting better.

She was much better on 26th March 2020; she mentioned that there had been no episodes for the previous two months. All her complaints have greatly improved.

When she saw us on July 4, 2020, she had improved by 75%.

She experienced a recent relapse of episodes on 7th May 2021, following an abrupt change in climacteric conditions and dust exposure. Her medicines were revised as per case need.

On 25th August 2021, she mentioned she didn''''t have any major sinusitis episodes.

Due to her pregnancy, the patient stopped taking her medication. When we inquired on October 21, 2023, regarding her complaints, she was completely recovered and free of severe episodes. Two years had passed with no complaints of sinusitis, and she had not used any other medicines.

After suffering from sinusitis for 12 years, she was able to find relief with homeopathy. She was grateful to Dr. Shah for the successful treatment provided by Dr. Shah and the entire Life Force team.



This case demonstrates the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines in managing long-term sinusitis safely without any side effects.

- Case study written by Dr. Shweta R, associate doctor to Rajesh Shah, MD (Ho

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*Please note that results and duration of treatment may vary depending on the constitution of your body.