Homeopathy Restores BARC Scientist’s Health: No Surgery Needed for Fissure-in-Ano
Mr SKS (Patient ID: 48353) was introduced to Life Force through online reference.
He decided to visit the Chembur clinic on 11 June 2022 as he was very distressed with his complaints which were hampering his daily routine and his work.
He was suffering from frequent episodes of burning in the anal area and fresh blood passed along with his stools and itching since May 2020, he visited a physician and was diagnosed with Fissure -in –Ano. He followed the treatment given by his physician for around 2 years which included laxatives, PARAFFIN SYP, DUPHALAC, and some steroidal and antibiotic ointments like ANO METROGYL cream and ANOVATE cream but the relief he obtained was temporary, and wanted to opt for some better treatment.
His detailed case history was taken; he has an average appetite likes eating sweets and moderate thirst for water, and has no complaints of urination, burning, or trouble passing stools due to the fissure.
Personal Details:
He was working in a scientific research team with BARC, and he was excellent in his work with good confidence, and good rapport with his colleagues, was expressive by nature, and used to love to have long talks with known people, but his life was disturbed due to the pain and discomfort he faced due to the complaint.
He has a history of suffering from Bell’s palsy and E-coli infection.
His father suffered from illnesses like paralysis and hypertension. He has an average weight but slightly high blood pressure.
After careful evaluation and study of his case, DR SHAH prescribed NITRIC ACID- 30 along with certain dietary recommendations for his fissure-in-ano as well as for his increasing Blood pressure. Also, it was explained about the effect of increasing blood pressure on his health in the long run, and it was advised to make necessary dietary changes like reduction in salt and oil, fatty food in his diet regular walks, and other forms of exercise to maintain good health. The patient was guided with the proper prognosis and scope of homeopathic treatment for his ailment and informed that in follow-up care we will be likely monitoring the progress, managing pain and bleeding, and implementing strategies to reduce recurrence risk in the future.
Follow ups:
During the first follow-up, when he visited the clinic on 9 July 2022, he was slightly better in his complaint, with a reduction in the frequency and severity of pain and bleeding during stools. However, the pain still used to last for 6-7 hours after passing stools. He had stopped using cremaffin syrup and Anovate ointment a few days ago.
In the next follow-up done on call on 8th August 2022, there was no recurrence of bleeding episodes, and the intensity of pain was better by 60% there was no requirement for laxatives and stool softener anymore.
On the follow-up dated 4th March 2023, the patient was informed there was an episode of bleeding in stools for 1 day on February 24 as had constipation and hard stools for a few days, but no episode since then.
In the next consecutive follow-ups improvement continued and in his follow-up in
March 2024, he said he had no pain as well as no episodes of bleeding recurred, and that his life has become pain-free.
He thanked Life Force for the best care and medical assistance he received, he expressed his gratitude towards Dr. Shah for helping him avoid the invasive procedure he was advised by other physicians.
This case is a wonderful and classic example of how homeopathy helps in cases where surgery can be avoided if treated timely and correctly in cases of Fissure-in-ano. The customized and efficient treatment in homeopathy helps in the management of such surgical diseases without any invasive procedure. Along with certain dietary changes and homeopathic medicine the patient can be pain-free and lead a better life, but in certain severe cases surgery might be required and cannot be avoided.
You can go through the following link for more details on fissures in ano and homoeopathic treatment: