Patch by Patch: A story of healing Vitiligo.
Sixteen-year-old girl, Ms S.S., (Patient ID: 31875) visited LifeForce homeopathy, Chembur branch on 13 April 2017 for the treatment of Vitiligo.
She presented with three hypopigmented spots on the scalp with greying hair and a small hypopigmented patch on the Right ear near the tragus since September 2016. Initial spread was noted, but the patches had been stable since January 2017.
The patient has been undergoing Homeopathic treatment since December 2016 along with Capsule Evion (Vitamin E supplement) once a day, for 2-3 months with local application of Vitamin E for one month and Iron supplements on alternate days for two months. She has also used Tacrolimus ointment for 3-4 months, till December 2016.
The patient presented with associated complaints of Acanthosis nigricans, characterized by hyperpigmented, thickened velvety appearance of skin in the axilla and around the neck. She also struggled with weight management issues.
The patient maintained a mixed diet with a good appetite. She had specific desires for fruits, fish, sour foods, and eggs, with a marked aversion to milk. She experienced profuse perspiration, especially on her palms and soles, and was more comfortable in warm temperatures. Her sleep was sound, with no issues related to micturition or bowels.
The patient was a mild and shy little girl, studying in 4th Standard during the initial consultation, and both her parents were practising doctors.
Family history revealed health concerns, with her mother dealing with weight issues. Her grandparents had a history of diabetes, hypertension, and psoriasis.
History of the patient was unremarkable, with no significant illnesses reported.
Dr. Shah studied the case in detail, considering the patient's age, symptom progression, and family history before prescribing Syphilinum 200C and Calcarea Carbonica 30C, along with dietary and lifestyle changes which would aid in controlling the disease and improve overall well-being.
Follow-up progress:
Initially from May 2017 to July 2017, there was no major change noted in the patches, mild spread of the patch on the scalp was noted. Gradual improvement was noted in the patches from October 2017 to May 2018, there were no new patches or spread of existing patches. By May 2019 there was a 30 % improvement observed on the patches of the scalp as well as on the patch near the right ear. By October 2019 there was about 40 % improvement seen in the patches on the scalp as well as the patch near the right ear.
From 2020-2021 there was continued gradual improvement of about 70 % since starting the treatment. There were no new patches noted and the existing patches on the scalp and near the right ear also showed repigmentation. In March 2022, an improvement of about 75 % was reported with repigmentation noted on the patches on the scalp and, from the periphery of the patch on the right ear near the tragus. From March 2022 to April 2023 there was significant improvement with further repigmentation noted on the scalp patches and the patch near the right ear tragus appearing dull with gradual repigmentation noted from the periphery. By April 2024 the scalp patch showed complete repigmentation, only gray hair persisted and the patch near the right ear was also appearing dull.
From March 2024-December 2024, there was complete repigmentation of the scalp patch; and gradual improvement in the ear patch. During her latest follow-up done on 1st January 2025, the patient's parents reported gradual repigmentation noted from the periphery on the single spot near the right ear, the spot also appeared dull, with no spread no new spots, and patches on the scalp completely pigmented with no recurrence or any new patches noted. Both parents, being doctors themselves, expressed high satisfaction with the treatment outcome and provided a written testimonial praising Dr Rajesh Shah and LifeForce homeopathy.
This case demonstrates the efficacy of long-term homeopathic treatment in managing vitiligo. While the initial response was gradual, the treatment successfully halted disease progression within the first few months. Her gradual improvement over six years suggests that homeopathic treatment may require patience but can yield positive results. The improvement in patches also likely had a positive impact on the patient''s psychological well-being, particularly important during adolescence.
-Case study written by Dr.Nafisa D, Associate doctor to Dr Rajesh Shah, MD (Hom)