The latest research at Mumbai’s BYL Nair hospital along with a city homeopath Dr Rajesh Shah has demonstrated the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines against Vitiligo2 in two separate research experiments in laboratory models. These breakthrough research findings are published in two international, peer-reviewed journals recently, namely the International Journal of Medical1 and Health Research and Homeopathy2 (UK).

Dr Shah has also conducted other scientific research in the past in collaboration with eminent institutes such as ICT, Haffkine Institute, Nair Hospital, Mumbai University, Tata Memorial (ACTREC), IIT-B, and more.

In the laboratory experiments at the Department of Pharmacology, the studies have shown that certain new medicines developed by Dr Rajesh Shah (and other medicines) increased the melanin content in the cells as compared to vehicle controls. These experiments demonstrating anti-vitiligo effects of homeopathic medicines were carried out, probably for the first time ever in history, where melanogenic efficacy was shown.
Dr Rajesh Shah has been working on treating vitiligo patients from across the world for over three decades. Interestingly, all the varieties of skin-types including Indian, American, German, Swedish, African, Chinese people having vitiligo have been treated by Dr Shah using homeopathic medicines. Of course, the results vary from patient to patient.

Homeopathy is the second most popular system of medicine in the world as per the WHO. However, homeopathy has faced a lot of criticisms about its efficacy. The lacking evidence for its effectiveness and scarce research are the reasons attracting the criticism. The recent years have seen more research by eminent scientists from reputed institutes taking a keen interest in the homeopathic research. For example, the scientist Dr Jayesh Bellare3 and his team at IIT-Bombay have had breakthrough research in 2008 demonstrating the presence of nanoparticles in homeopathic dilutions. Many more biologists, pharmacologists, and physicists are also working on scientific research in homeopathy.
In an experiment by the same team at the Department of Clinical Pharmacology at Nair Hospital, under the care of Dr R Munshi in collaboration with Dr Shah, there are other exciting findings. The research has shown the effectiveness of homeopathic medicines against Vitiligo, a skin disease where there is a loss of pigment. Vitiligo affects the Indian population more than any other nationality; as 8% of the Indians suffer from this disorder which has a social stigma attached to it.
In the laboratory cell-line model, the selected homeopathic medicines have shown an increase in the color formation which is an encouraging result. Three homeopathic medicines in a very small dose (30c potency) have shown their effectiveness against vitiligo. In the earlier years, homeopathy has been often criticized as ‘placebo’ medicine, as some skeptics believed that the medicines work because of the faith the patients may have in homeopathy. “These laboratory experiments have not only silenced the critics of homeopathy but also shown that the potentized, ultra-dilute medicines in the nanoparticle form have therapeutic effects,” said Dr Shah5 who has earlier proved the same in other animal as well as human studies.
“Earlier, an eminent molecular biologist Dr A R Khuda-Bukhsh4 has demonstrated the anti-cancer effect of homeopathy in a laboratory model. Now, two more experiments have proved again the efficacy of homeopathy,” emphasized Dr Shah who has been working on a series of homeopathy research experiments.