Patient's Case Studies At Life Force
- Homeopathy for Trigeminal Neuralgia Treatment with no Dependency on Tegretol
- GERD shows remarkable improvement in four months, with stoppage of conventional medicines.
- A 16 yrs old male, Mr Pratik Jadhav, had been suffering with recurrent colds since 10 years.
- A 1 year and 6 months old baby was brought to the clinic by her parents for complaints of recurrent colds.
- A 4 yrs old baby was brought to Life force Center with complains of frequent colds.
- Mohua, a female child presented with daily colds since childhood. She will have study nose every morning. She responded to medications and is almost free from colds.
- 17 year old with chronic eczema eruption, aggravation only in winter
- Ulcerative Colitis since 15 years, He had undergone two surgeries for the same...
- I got so confident with the treatment, that i decided to stop with Mesacol...
- He never had the hives again....
- And the anxious expression on her face was replaced by a cheerful smile....
- Steroids stopped, Asacol reduced with homeopathy, with no relapse of the colitis.
- Chronic urticaria not responding with cyclosporine gets significant results with homeopathy.
- 35 Years Persistent Asthma Gets Treated Well In Just 6 Months With Homeopathy At Life Force
- Complete cure in a 3 month old baby girl from atopic eczema...
- Complete cure in a 3 month old baby girl from atopic eczema...
- Lichen planus is cured with homeopathy, marks dissappear and normal skin texture is regained in a young girl...
- Mr. K. S. 69 yr old (Patient Ref. No.:11956) a pre-existing patient at life force was taking treatment for GERD.
- Substantial reduction in the viral count achieved with homeopathy in a young patient aged 28 yrs..
- Vitiligo spot on lip gains complete repigmentation with homeopathy in young patient...
- An elderly lady consulted us for Hepatitis C. It had presumably started after she had received blood transfusion in 1981 after 2 episodes of haematemesis.
- A young girl with extensive lichen planus gets amazing results with homeopathy....
- 47 year old patient, discovered accidentally that he had Hepatitis–C in 2005 during the blood test for life insurance company
- A 35 years old man, Mr. A.K. (PIN no 13899) was detected Hepatitis-C positive in October 05.
- White fern like lichen planus lession inside the cheeks, tongue, lower lips treated with homeopathic medicines
- A 15 yr boy R. N pin no (L-9591) came to the clinic with complaints of hair loss in patches on the scalp
- This is the case of a patient Mr. H.S.D [PIN - L-9340] who presented with hypertrophic Lichen Planus.